Content Pie #1: Set Yourself Up for a Year 2022

2 min readJan 27, 2022


Get back on track without absurd New Year’s resolutions!

Welcome to our first edition of Content Pie. Content Pie from Nicereply is content in short form that offers value and actionable tips on the spot.

Today we will go through 12 things to do to improve your customer support in 2022. Rather than focusing on everything all at once, we’ve curated a list of tips that you can focus on monthly. Each month, choose a new focus and commit to integrating it within your support team.


12 things to do to improve your customer support

Develop a positive attitude

💡 Blog tip: 3 Customer Service Skills for Handling Difficult Conversations

Close conversations properly

💡 Blog tip: 6 Tips for Writing Satisfying Customer Service Responses

Take notice of customer complaints

💡 Blog tip: How to Answer Customer Complaints to Keep Them Coming Back

Use the same language as your customers

💡 Blog tip: 5 Effective Tips For Approaching Difficult Customer Conversations

Help customers to help themselves

💡 Blog tip: 5 Practices For Creating A Customer Service Knowledge Base

Collect feedback from your customers regularly

💡 Blog tip: What Do Customer Satisfaction Metrics Really Measure?

Show empathy for your customers

💡Blog tip: Customer Love Letters to Warm Your Heart

Focus on first contact resolutions over speed

💡Blog tip: 5 Ways to Reduce Average Handle Time Without Sacrificing Quality

Send personalized messages to customers

💡Blog tip: Using Customer Effort Insights to Build Experiences People Love

Give your customers personal contact

💡Blog tip: Building Trust with Your Customers for Lifelong Relationships

A whole team approach to customer support

💡Blog tip: Using CSAT Scores for Better Cross-Functional CX Collaboration

Hire outstanding people

💡Blog tip: Hiring Support Agents: 6 Stories for Aspiring Support Agents

Get back on track without absurd New Year’s resolutions! Instead, focus on creating a plan to reach your customer support goals in 2022.




Improve your #custserv & #custexp with Nicereply - a customer satisfaction survey software, including CSAT, NPS & CES 2.0